It Pays to Care
The Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is leading the call for improved health and recovery outcomes for people who experience a work injury.
Most people (70–80%) return to work after a work injury with minimal difficulty, and usually without any long-term consequences. The remainder find themselves in a more challenging situation. They may have extended time off work, frequently more than is medically necessary, poor health and recovery outcomes, and some may never return to work.
When an injury or medical condition occurs in a compensable setting, the chance of a poor health outcome is significantly higher than for same condition in a non-compensable setting. Work absence and long term disability rates are higher. Being out of work long term is associated with poorer physical and psychological health, and this is more likely in compensable setting.
The full document 'It Pays To Care' details the interplay between insurance systems, case management, policy, healthcare and the workplace.
Follow the discussion about evidence-informed practices as we examine bite-sized parts in the coming months.